What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a program designed to elicit as broad an adaptational response as possible. We train constantly varied, if not randomized, functional movements at high intensity.

CrossFit is not a specialized fitness program, but a deliberate attempt to optimize physical competence in each of ten recognized fitness domains:

Endurance - The ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen (cardiovascular/respiratory endurance).

Stamina - The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy. (capacity to maintain repetitive muscular movements)

Strength - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force.

Flexibility - the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint.

Power - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time.

Speed - The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.

Coordination - The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a single distinct movement.

Agility - The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.

Balance - The ability to control the placement of the body's center of gravity in relation to its support base.

Accuracy - The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.

The CrossFit Program was developed to enhance an individual's competency at all physical tasks. Our athletes are trained to perform successfully at multiple, diverse, and randomized physical challenges.

What if I don't have time for all of this?

It is a common sentiment to feel that, because of the obligations of career and family, you don't have the time to become as fit as you might like. Here's the good news: world class, age group strength and conditioning is obtainable through an hour a day, six days per week of training. It turns out that the intensity of training that optimizes physical conditioning is not sustainable past forty-five minutes to an hour. Athletes that train for hours a day are developing skill or training for sports that include adaptations inconsistent with elite strength and conditioning. Past one hour, more is not better!

The typical CrossFit workout lasts between 5 and 30 minutes. Including warm up, skill practice, workout, and cool down you are able to obtain elite fitness in 1 hour or less per day, 5-6 days per week!

Distinctive Programming

Aside from the breadth or totality of fitness the CrossFit Program seeks, our program is distinctive, if not unique, in its focus on maximizing neuroendocrine response, developing power, cross-training with multiple training modalities, constant training and practice with functional movements, and the development of successful diet strategies.

Our athletes are trained at short, middle, and long distances, guaranteeing exposure and competency in each of the three main metabolic pathways. We train our athletes in gymnastics, from rudimentary to advanced movements, garnering great capacity at controlling the body both dynamically and statically while maximizing strength to weight ratio and flexibility. We also place a heavy emphasis on Olympic Weightlifting having seen this sport's unique ability to develop athletes' explosive power, control of external objects, and mastery of critical motor recruitment patterns. And finally, we encourage and assist our athletes to explore a variety of sports as a vehicle to express and apply their fitness.

Typical Workouts

In gyms and health clubs throughout the world, the typical workout consists of isolation movements and extended aerobic sessions. The fitness community, from trainers to popular magazines, has the exercising public mistakenly believing that lateral raises, curls, leg extensions, sit-ups and the like, combined with 20-40 minute stints on the stationary bike or treadmill, are going to lead to some kind of great fitness.

If your current routine looks somewhat like what we’ve described as typical of the fitness magazines and gyms don’t despair. Any exercise is better than none, and you’ve not wasted your time. In fact, the aerobic exercise that you’ve been doing is an essential foundation to fitness and the isolation movements have given you some degree of strength. You are in good company; we have found that some of the world’s best athletes were sorely lacking in their core strength and conditioning. It’s hard to believe but many elite athletes have achieved international success and are still far from their potential because they have not had the benefit of state-of-the-art coaching methods.

We work exclusively with compound movements and shorter, high intensity cardiovascular sessions. We've replaced the lateral raise with push-press, the curl with pull-ups, and the leg extension with squats. For every long distance effort, our athletes will do five or six at short distance. Why? Because compound or functional movements and high intensity or anaerobic cardio is radically more effective at eliciting nearly any desired fitness result. This is not a matter of opinion, but irrefutable scientific fact. Our approach is consistent with what is practiced in elite training programs associated with major university athletic teams and professional sports. CrossFit endeavors to bring state-of-the-art coaching techniques to the general public and athletes who don't have access to current technologies, research, and coaching methods.

Is this for me?

Absolutely! Your needs and the Olympic athlete's differ by degree, not kind. Increased power, strength, cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, flexibility, stamina, coordination, agility, balance, and coordination are all important to the world's best athletes as well as our grandparents. The amazing truth is that the very same methods that elicit optimal response in the Olympic or professional athlete will optimize the same response in everyone. Of course, we can't load your grandmother with the same squatting weight that we'd assign an Olympic skier, but they both need to squat.

Squatting is just one example of a movement that is universally valuable—essential to maintaining functional independence and improving fitness—yet rarely taught to any but the most advanced of athletes. This is a tragedy. Through painstakingly thorough coaching and incremental load assignment, CrossFit has been able to teach anyone who can care for themselves to perform safely and with maximum efficacy the same movements typically utilized by professional coaches in elite and certainly exclusive environments.

Fringe Athletes

There is a near universal misconception that long distance athletes are fitter than their short distance counterparts. The triathlete, cyclist, and marathoner are often regarded as among the fittest athletes on earth. Nothing, however, could be further from the truth.

The endurance athlete has far exceeded any cardiovascular health benefit, and has sacrificed strength, speed, and power, coordination, agility, balance, accuracy, and flexibility. This is hardly the stuff of elite athleticism. No triathlete is in ideal shape to wrestle, box, pole-vault, sprint, play any ball sport, fight fires, or do police work. Each of these requires a fitness level far beyond the needs of the endurance athlete. None of this suggests that being a marathoner, triathlete or other endurance athlete is less than admirable; just don't believe that training as a long distance athlete gives you the fitness that is prerequisite to many sports.

CrossFit considers the Sumo Wrestler, triathlete, marathoner, and power lifter to be "fringe athletes" in that their fitness demands are so specialized as to be inconsistent with the adaptations that give maximum competency at all physical challenges. Elite strength and conditioning is a compromise between each of the ten physical adaptations.

Aerobics and Anaerobics

Aerobic conditioning allows us to engage in moderate/low power output for extended period of time, which is valuable for many sports. Athletes engaging in excessive aerobic training, however, witness decreases in muscle mass, strength, speed, and power. It is not uncommon to find marathoners with a vertical leap of only several inches and a bench press well below average for most athletes. Aerobic activity has a pronounced tendency to decrease anaerobic capacity. This does not bode well for athletes or the individual interested in total conditioning or optimal health.

Anaerobic conditioning allows us to exert tremendous forces over a very brief time. Anaerobic activity, like aerobic activity, benefits cardiovascular function and decreases body fat. Anaerobic activity is unique, however, in its capacity to dramatically improve power, speed, strength, and muscle mass, but will not adversely affect aerobic capacity! In fact, properly structured, anaerobic activity can be used to develop a very high level of aerobic fitness without the muscle wasting consistent with high volume aerobic exercise.

The CrossFit approach is to judiciously balance anaerobic and aerobic exercise in a manner that is consistent with athletes' goals. Our exercise prescriptions adhere to proper specificity, progression, variation, and recovery to optimize adaptations.

Olympic Weightlifting

There are two Olympic lifts: the clean and jerk, and the snatch. Mastery of these lifts develops the squat, deadlift, power clean, and split jerk while integrating them into a single movement of unequaled value in all of strength and conditioning. The Olympic lifters are without a doubt the world's strongest athletes.

These lifts train athletes to effectively activate more muscle fibers more rapidly than through any other modality of training. The explosiveness that results from this training is of vital necessity to every sport.

Practicing the Olympic lifts teaches one to apply force to muscle groups in proper sequence, i.e., from the center of the body to its extremities. Learning this vital technical lesson benefits all athletes who need to impart force to another person or object as is commonly required in nearly all sports. In addition to learning to impart explosive forces, the clean and jerk and snatch condition the body to receive such forces from another moving body both safely and effectively.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the Olympic lifts' unique capacity to develop strength, power, speed, coordination, vertical leap, muscular endurance, bone strength, and the physical capacity to withstand stress. It is also worth mentioning that the Olympic lifts are the only lifts shown to increase maximum oxygen uptake, the most important marker for cardiovascular fitness.

Sadly, the Olympic lifts are seldom seen in the commercial fitness community because of their inherently complex and technical nature. CrossFit makes them available to anyone with the patience and persistence to learn.


The extraordinary value of gymnastics as a training modality lies in its reliance on the body's own weight as the sole source of resistance. This places a unique premium on the improvement of strength to weight ratio. Unlike other strength training modalities, gymnastics and calisthenics allow for increases in strength only while increasing strength to weight ratio!

Gymnastics develops pull-ups, squats, lunges, jumping, push-ups, and numerous presses to handstand, scales, and holds. These skills are unrivaled in their benefit to not only athletic performance, but also physique, as evident in any competitive gymnast.

As important as the capacity of this modality is for strength development, it is without a doubt the ultimate approach to improving coordination, balance, agility, accuracy, and flexibility. Through the use of numerous presses, handstands, scales, and other floor work, the gymnast's training greatly enhances kinesthetic sense.

The variety of movements available for inclusion in this modality probably exceeds the number of exercises known to all non-gymnastic sport! The rich variety here contributes substantially to the CrossFit program's ability to inspire great athletic confidence and prowess.

For a combination of strength, flexibility, well-developed physique, coordination, balance, accuracy, and agility, the gymnast has no equal in the sports world. The inclusion of this training modality is absurdly absent from nearly all training programs.


There is no ideal routine! The CrossFit ideal is to train for any contingency. The obvious implication is that this is possible only if there is a tremendously varied, if not randomized, system of stimulus. Any routine, no matter how complete, contains within its omissions the parameters for which there will be no adaptation. In other words, what is absent will never be developed.

For this reason, the CrossFit program embraces short, middle, and long distance metabolic conditioning, and low, moderate, and heavy load assignment. We encourage creative and continuously varied compositions that tax physiological functions against every realistically conceivable combination of stressors. Developing a fitness that is varied yet complete defines the very art of strength and conditioning coaching.

The CrossFit Program's success in elevating the performance of world-class athletes lies clearly in demanding of our athletes total and complete physical competence. No single routine is capable of delivering this.

Neuroendocrine Adaptation

Neuroendocrine adaptation refers to either hormonal or neurological change in the body. Most important adaptations to exercise are in part or completely a result of a hormonal or neurological shift. Earlier we faulted isolation movements as being ineffectual; one of the reasons is that they invoke essentially no neuroendocrine response.

Among the hormonal responses vital to athletic development are substantial increases in testosterone, insulin-like growth factor, and human growth hormone. Exercising with protocols known to elevate these hormones eerily mimics the hormonal changes sought in exogenous hormonal therapy (steroid use) with none of the deleterious effects. Exercise regimens that induce a high neuroendocrine response produce champions! Increased muscle mass and bone density are just two of many responses to exercises capable of producing a significant neuroendocrine response.

It is impossible to overstate the importance of the neuroendocrine response to exercise protocols. This is why it is one of the four defining themes of the CrossFit Program. Heavy load weight training, short rest between sets, high heart rates, high intensity training, and short rest intervals, though not entirely distinct components, are all associated with a high neuroendocrine response.


Power is defined as the "time rate of doing work." It has often been said that in sport, speed is king. According to CrossFit, "power" is the undisputed king of performance. Jumping, punching, throwing, and sprinting are all measures of power. Increasing your ability to produce power is necessary to elite athleticism. Additionally, power is the definition of intensity, which in turn has been linked to nearly every positive aspect of fitness. Increases in strength, performance, muscle mass, and bone density all arise in proportion to the intensity of exercise. And again, intensity is defined as power. For these reasons, power development is an ever-present aspect of the CrossFit training.


Cross training is typically defined as participating in multiple sports. At CrossFit, we instead define cross training as exceeding the parameters of the regular demands of your sport or training. The CrossFit Program recognizes functional, metabolic, and modal cross training. That is, we regularly train past the normal motions, metabolic pathways, and modes or sports common to the athlete's sport or exercise regimen.

The CrossFit coaching staff long ago noticed that athletes are weakest at the margins of their exposure for almost every measurable parameter. For instance, if you only cycle between five to seven miles at each training effort, you will test weak at less than five and greater than seven miles. This is true for range of motion, load, rest, intensity, and power, etc. CrossFit training is engineered to expand the margins of exposure to be as broad as function and capacity will allow.

Functional Movements

There are movements that mimic motor recruitment patterns that are found in everyday life. Others are somewhat unique to the gym. Squatting is standing from a seated position; deadlifting is picking any object off the ground. These are both functional movements.

The bulk of isolation movements are non-functional. Natural movement typically involves the movement of multiple joints for every activity. Leg extensions and leg curls, for example, do not have equivalents in nature.

The importance of functional movements is primarily two-fold. First, the functional movements are mechanically sound and therefore safe, and second, they are the movements that elicit a high neuroendocrine response.

CrossFit has managed a stable of elite athletes and dramatically enhanced their performance exclusively with functional movements. The superiority of training with functional movements is clearly apparent with any athlete within weeks of their incorporation.

The above is adapted from CrossFit Foundations. This special edition of the CrossFit Journal is available for free at http://www.crossfit.com/
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